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Cellular Automata DS

Homebrew cellular automata simulator for the Nintendo DS.

Download NintendoDS ROM (v0.11.0) View on GitLab


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Requirements for building Cellular Automata DS

Follow these instructions to install the tools and libraries (nds-dev group).

How to build and run Cellular Automata DS

Clone this repository:

git clone https://gitlab.com/aldatsa/cellular-automata-ds.git

cd to the project’s directory:

cd cellular-automata-ds

and type the following:


When it’s done compiling, transfer the generated cellularautomatads.nds file to the root of your SD card.


Asier Iturralde Sarasola aldatsa.eus


Cellular Automata DS is free software/open source, and is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 license.

GNU General Public License version 3